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It’s been over a month since I put fertilizer on my lawn. The last time I put fertilizer down was on June 12th. My last application was Scott’s Disease Ex to help with some brown spots I was seeing. So far there have been no signs of rust or any other fungus.

I’ve been mowing at 3.5 inches which may seem a little tall but my lawn hasn’t looked this healthy during this time before. What also helps is the amount of rain we’ve been getting, almost 7.75 inches this month! It’s been a week since the last time my sprinklers were on.

I’m currently dealing with some bad type of grassy weed in some spots…Poa Annua and some Poa Trivialis. These are very difficult to get rid of since they have almost identical properties as grass so it’s hard to find a herbicide that will kill it without damaging the grass. There are very expensive options out there but I’ve been using plain old roundup to kill it. Unfortunately, it also kills my grass so it leaves some brown spots, however, they are temporary as I will be overseeding this fall. It’s better to deal with some brown spots now than to have my entire lawn taken over by poa at which point the only option would be to kill everything. I’ll make a future post on Poa at some point.

If you would like to follow the program I use, consider registering so you can access it. For now, I hope you’re enjoying the summer and your lawn, before you know it, summer will be over.