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  • Post category:Lawn Journal
You are currently viewing Quick Summer Update

My lawn has been hanging in there with all this heat. Since my last post I put down a dose of fertilizer at half of the recommended rate listed on the bag since we are well into summer. I put down just under half a pound of Nitrogen. I also sharpened my blades to help with a much cleaner cut. Dull blades result in uneven cuts and makes the grass more prone to diseases, fungus, and dries out quicker due to the tears on its tips.

I will be planning to overseed again this fall, with the goal of adding more Tall Fescue to my existing perennial ryegrass lawn. As you may be able to tell from the picture above, there are some dried out spots in my lawn….that’s the type of ryegrass that I have, which doesn’t like the heat. That is all for now!