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You are currently viewing Lawn Update Before Summer Begins

Aside from spot spraying weeds I haven’t been doing much in the lawn this month. I’ve been mowing twice a week mostly due to all of the rain we’ve been getting. My sprinklers have been turned on for a month now and I haven’t had to use them once yet.

My plan before summer begins will be to put down another dose of fertilizer. I came across this fertilizer at Lowe’s called Sta Green Performance Max. It contains humic and sea kelp as well as 6% iron which gives the lawn that deep green color. I’m planning to apply this ahead of Memorial Day, so sometime within the next week hopefully, if the rain stops.

I’m also going to get a bag of Grubex to have it ready to put down sometime in early June as a grub preventative. I’ll be posting an article on grubs sometime in the next week. I hope you’re all enjoying your lawns!