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  • Post category:Lawn Journal
You are currently viewing Lawn Season Coming To A Close

Temperatures are cooler and the smell of campfire smoke, dry leaves, and fresh cut grass fills the air. Now there’s a smell I’d get on a Yankee Candle – Fall Lawncare.

It’s been almost 2 months since I overseeded my lawn. Since then I was able to apply 46-0-0 Urea fertilizer twice (2 weeks apart) at .5 lbs of Nitrogen per 1,000 sq ft. That gave me a total of about 1 lb. of Nitrogen. The end result is a total of almost 3 lbs. of Nitrogen applied for the season which is what I was aiming for heading into my last fertilizer application of the season or “winterizer”. My sprinkler system has also been shut off as the lawn season comes to an end.

I will apply the winterizer application in about 2-3 weeks after our first frost date which just happened this week where I live. This means that my last fertilizer application will likely be around the week of Thanksgiving or the week after, depending on the weather. From now until then I’ll be mowing my lawn about once a week which will also help with leaf cleanup. If I don’t post before then, I hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Just a reminder that I go into more detail on the different lawn applications in my Cool Season Lawn Care Guide which can be accessed as long as you’re subscribed to my blog. If you aren’t, you can subscribe here.