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It’s been a while since my last update on my weekly lawn maintenance. I haven’t had much to report in the lawn aside from finally getting some use out of my irrigation system. I’ve been faithfully mowing twice a week. I also trimmed bushes around the yard and had my first try at trimming an evergreen tree into a spiral!

Lawn Maintenance Continued…

This week I’ll be applying GrubEx to prevent grubs in my lawn. I’ll apply it at the bag rate of 3 lbs. per 1,000 sqft. If you would like to know more about grubs, you can read this article. Along with the grub preventative I’ll be adding another dose of sea kelp and humic acid to continue to improve my soil.

Before the summer heat kicks in I’ll try to get another fertilizer application in around the 4th of July as well as an application of a fungicide mainly to help prevent rust in my lawn. Rust is a fungus that produces an orange powder on the grass blades. It’s a pain to deal with and my lawn gets it almost every year. Not only will it make a mess on lawn equipment but it also gets all over your shoes. If allowed to spread, it can actually weaken the lawn and impact growth. Another way to get rid of rust is to fertilize the lawn to help it grow out of it. I haven’t had much success with this last option.

Other Projects

That’s all for now. As the lawn begins to slow its growth over the summer I will be working on other projects such as repainting my deck and taking care of these tomato plants: