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Crabgrass and other weeds can make your lawn look unsightly, and they can also compete with your grass for water, nutrients, and sunlight. If you want to prevent crabgrass and other weeds, there are a few things you can do.

1. Use a pre-emergent herbicide.

A pre-emergent is a type of herbicide that prevents weeds from germinating. A pre-emergent should be applied to your lawn in the early spring, when the soil temperature is about 50-55° F, before weeds are actively growing. This will help prevent crabgrass and weeds that would otherwise grow on an untreated lawn. Some weeds will still make it through the pre-emergent barrier, however, they will be much easier to manage. A good pre-emergent to use is Scotts Halts Crabgrass Preventer.

If you’re wondering how to get your soil’s temperature, the best way is to get a soil thermometer which is what I use. Another option is to go on GreenCast’s website and entering your zip code. A combination of these 2 options is a sure way to know your soil’s exact temperature.

2. Water your lawn deeply and infrequently.

Weeds are more likely to germinate in dry soil. By watering your lawn deeply and infrequently, you can help prevent weeds from germinating. By “infrequently” I mean not every day, only when needed as the soil dries out. This could be every other day or every 2-3 days. When you water your lawn, be sure to water the entire area. For more information on watering, read this article on how to water your lawn properly.

3. Pull weeds by hand.

If you see a weed, pull it out by the roots. This is the best way to prevent the weed from coming back. Be sure to dispose of the weed properly, either by putting it in the trash or by composting it.

4. Fertilize your lawn regularly.

A healthy lawn is less susceptible to weeds. Fertilizing your lawn regularly will help to promote healthy growth and make your grass more competitive with weeds. When you fertilize your lawn, be sure to use a fertilizer that is specifically designed for lawns such as Scotts Turf Builder Lawn Food.

5. Use a post-emergent herbicide.

A post-emergent herbicide is a type of herbicide that kills weeds that have already germinated including crabgrass that hasn’t matured yet. Post-emergent herbicides such as Weed B Gon can be used to spot treat weeds or to treat your entire lawn. Other good options are Roundup For Lawns or BioAdvanced Weed Killer.

6. Be patient. 

It takes time to get a weed-free lawn. Don’t get discouraged if you see a few weeds here and there. Just keep up with the maintenance, and you’ll eventually have a beautiful lawn.

By following these tips, you can help to prevent weeds from taking over your lawn and have a beautiful, weed-free lawn that you can enjoy all summer long.