You are currently viewing 3 Common Lawn Diseases

Lawn diseases are a common problem that can affect lawns of all types. Hot, humid and wet conditions create the perfect environment for these diseases to develop. Even the best cared for lawns can be prone to common lawn diseases such as rust or dollar spot. Listed below are some of the 3 most common lawn diseases.

Brown Patch

Brown patch is a fungal disease that causes large circular patches of dead grass. These areas will look brown or straw-colored. Brown patch is most common in warm, humid weather. A fungicide is required to treat it.

Dollar Spot

Dollar Spot is another fungal disease that causes circular patches of dead grass. Areas will appear as small, tan or brown spots about the size of a silver dollar. This is most common in cool, wet weather.


Rust is as an orange or rusty looking powdery substance on the grass blade and appears in spots. It can get on your shoes and clothes that come in contact with the grass. Wet and humid weather followed by hot and dry conditions create a favorable environment for rust. Most of the time you can fertilize your lawn and it will outgrow this disease. When your lawn has rust, it’s important to rinse your mower after mowing to avoid spreading it.

Preventing Lawn Diseases

The best way to prevent the common lawn diseases listed above is to keep your lawn healthy by watering deeply and infrequently, mowing tall, and fertilizing it properly. Don’t over water! If you’re not sure how much to water, read my post on how to properly water your lawn. If you do notice a lawn disease, the sooner you treat it, the easier it will be to control. You can apply a fungicide such as Scotts DiseaseEx to prevent or treat the disease.